Pool Tools

Pool Volume Calculator

The Poolhop Pool Volume Calculator is an easy-to-use tool for calculating how many gallons of water your swimming pool holds. It includes adjustments for the shape of your swimming pool, variable depths, and sloping side walls.

Calculating for an accurate volume of water is critically important when prescribing pool chemicals considering nearly all chemicals are calibrated on a parts per million (PPM) basis. Our Pool Volume Calculator is built in to most of the Poolhop web tools you will find on our website.

Pool Chemistry Calculator

The Poolhop Pool Chemistry Calculator is an multifaceted tool used to test your swimming pool water and obtain chemical dosage recommendations if any are needed. Our pool water chemistry tool accepts inputs from several popular water testing strips and kits such as LaMotte, Clorox Pool, Poolmaster, and Taylor Technologies.

You can quickly test for Free Chlorine (FC), Total Chlorine (TC), Total Alkalinity (TA), Potential Hydrogen (pH), Cyanuric Acid (CA), Calcium Hardness (CH), and even Salinity Level for salt water pools. Most importantly, you will get immediate water test results and pool chemical dosage recommendations and instructions.

Pool Maintenance Plan

The Poolhop Pool Maintenance Plan is a robust tool that provides a list of pool chemicals needed to maintain your swimming pool for the entire year. It calculates monthly dosages for chlorine tablets, pool shock, and algaecide for swim season of any length. It can even switch out chlorine tablets for salt if your saline pool uses a salt generator.

Whether you maintain your swimming pool year round or seasonally open and close it, our DIY Pool Maintenance Plan tool will list the chemicals you need, how to apply them, and instructions for regular maintenance.
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